A basic tri-fold card is a piece of card folded to make three panels
Kate Pullen
The term tri-fold originates from the fold used to create leaflets from a sheet of paper. A tri-fold creates uses two folds to create three panels. In card making the term tri-fold can be used to describe a variety of card types. At its most simple, the term tri-fold could be used to describe a card that is folded into three 'Z' style. However the term could also be used to describe an aperture card or one of more complex tri-fold designs that are popular with card makers.
Simple tri-fold cards are versatile and are a great way to present information in an attractive way. They are ideal for invitations where the front of the card can be decorated and the other panels used to present important information.
Tips for Making and Using Aperture Cards
Get creative with the folds and cut of the card, for instance cut the card diagonally so the panels graduate in size
Use scrap paper to work out your designs before transferring this to good paper as the different panels offer plenty of scope for decoration
Simple tri-fold cards are typically long and thin and are ideal for tall images and designs
Tri-fold cards may not fit in a standard sized envelope
Tri-Fold Card Sizes
Here's my card
A piece of 12 x 12" paper cut into two and folded into a simple tri-fold shape will create a card that measures 6 x 4"
A piece of letter sized paper, cut in half lengthwise will create a simple tri-fold card that measures approximately 3.8 x 4.25"
Dimensions 5.50 by 4.25
Left side of card 2.00 by 4.25
Right side of card 3.25 by 4.25
Cut pattern paper on left side 3.00 by 4.00
Cut pattern paper on right side of card 3.00 by 4.00